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Posts published in “PTSD-ADHD”

Research, Information, and other resources for comorbid PTSD-ADHD.

Dr. Arielle Schartz’s Blog on Mind-Body Therapies

Mind-Body Therapies for Vagus Nerve Disorders by Dr. Arielle Schwartz “Mind-body therapies regulate the vagus nerve and increase your resilience through “safe mobilization and safe…

ADHD Overview

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. Inattention means a person…

Epigenetic Link Between PTSD and Inflammation

“…Researchers have discovered a connection between trauma and the body’s immune system. More specifically, researchers have become curious about how trauma affects inflammation – as…

The Structure of Adult ADHD

This study illustrates the broad display of symptoms associated with adult ADHD and how the DSM may hold too simplistic a view for diagnosis. (see…